Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Atlantic Privilege

From the Atlantic article 

"Where I Live, No One Cares About COVID"

Few articles provoke rage, but this one from the tweed wearing twit who bragged about flaunting restrictions (I spent 100s of hours in bars unmasked) and then engaged in gauche finger wagging (in oh so pristine prose) towards those concerned about covid. Did he lose a loved one? Watch them get really sick or die because of some entitled dumb ass like him. Well, I'm glad he's pleased with himself. Good for him. According to the article, this was the most embarrassing moment of his life:

"When I read such things, I experience the same secondhand embarrassment I felt upon witnessing an American tourist in Rome ask a waiter at a trattoria to remove the ashtray from the outdoor table at which the employee in question had just been smoking."

Seriously, fuck this guy.